Sunday, April 24, 2005

Fuck the South

Fuck the South

Okay, I originally meant to add some commentary to this, but I saved it wrong and it posted without said commentary and Oh, No! Now I run the risk of offending someone with this not-at-all politically correct thing. So, hey there, southerners! I know you just love this sort of thing, right? Of course you do! Don't ever worry that the blue-state "intellectual elite" isn't still paying attention. Besides: it's all true!

I particularly enjoy the information regarding divorce rates, and of course the fact that the blue states provide the tax revenue, while the red states consume it, complaining about liberalism the whole time. Ingrates.

By the way, I know this is old and I borrowed it from someone else's site. But somehow, it just keeps on staying timely and relevant. Hmm.


Sar said...

Makes me feel homesick for the blue state I left behind when we relocated to this here red state some 8 months ago. Hubby got a fantastic job relocation and life is good - gorgeous area, beautiful home, great schools, real suburbia neighborhood w/lots of kids - but I sure feel in the minority with regard to my views.

So good to have "y'all" to keep it real with. :)

SheaNC said...

I'm a little embarrassed: I was going to add some commentary to this so I wouldn't look like I am a total anti-south kind of guy. But I hit "publish" instead of "save as draft". Ooops! Then I walked away for a bit, and when I return, there it is. Hello, world! So, as you can see, I added text after the fact. Lesson learned. It is a cool little piece, though :)

kender said...

Fuckthesouth is pretty funny....kinda like the urban archipelago.

SheaNC said...

Yes, it's funny. Kender, I don't know why you chose my blog for free advertising of your asinine blather. Perhaps you should do some research to find the original author of the "South" piece and address them with your comparison. I imagine they would enjoy it.

SheaNC said...

OMG, Kender and Nashville Truth. Like an airplane with two right wings, spiraling into cognitive oblivion... another pair for Faux Snooze.