"...Iraqi oil money that fell into the hands of the profiteer-in-chief, President George W. Bush. According to detailed audits and investigations by Congress, the Pentagon, the General Accountability Office, the International Advisory and Monitoring Board, and the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, more than $8.8 billion in Iraqi money under Bush's control simply went walking between October 2003 and July 2004, the London Review of Books reports. These were revenues supposedly earmarked for the Iraqi government -- but no one knows where they actually went...Their is no war on terror, truthseekers. To the PNAC Neocons, this is business. They are in the business of war, and of energy They want to possess everything of value, they will stop at nothing to take it without remorse. They are vile, insidious, and evil. They lie to the world to satisfy their diabolical appetites."...looting on a scale not seen since the days of the Mongol Horde -- is just a single rivulet in the vast delta of corruption draining the conquered land. Christian Aid estimates that an additional $4 billion in unmetered oil export revenue was sold off under the counter, Saddam-style, to coalition cronies. Then there were the planeloads of cold cash spread around by Bush's "Provisional Authority" -- off the books, natch -- to "couriers," brokers, Western contractors, tribal leaders, "intelligence assets"...
"All of this money was stolen from the Iraqi people. In fact, every bit of Iraq's oil money was seized by Bush and transferred to New York's Federal Reserve Bank in May 2003... And oil revenues kept flowing to Bush's bank account after the conquest. All told, by the time Bush's personal viceroy, Jerry Bremer, did his "last days of Saigon" bug-out from Baghdad last year, the Crawford Caligula had run through $20 billion of Iraq's oil money.
"No one has been brought to justice for this monstrous -- indeed murderous -- thievery. And the oil barons preparing to feast on the new tenders needn't worry about such "quaint" notions as legality either. That's because Bush... recently renewed his infamous Executive Order 13303, the blanket immunity for all U.S. corporate interests involved in any way with Iraq's oil... The original edict was issued... May 2003.
"Bush's ukase applies to all traffickers in Iraqi oil -- as long as their loot finds its way, by hook or crook, into the coffers of "United States persons or entities." Bush declares flatly that any "judicial process" launched against these protected entities -- not excluding criminal proceedings for, say, fraud, corruption, extortion, even murder -- "shall be deemed null and void."
"Money and power, grabbed through violence and deceit: that's the real point -- the only point -- of Bush's "war on terror.""
By the way... at last count, 51% of Americans like them.
It is a sick, sad world, indeed.
Me too, to be honest. I have flashes of optimism mingled with discouragement. I see the Neocons and their followers as the mighty Tyranosaurs, and we are the little mammals eeking out an existence in the underbrush.
Of course, that turned out okay the first time...
I was over sitting on the Church of the Front Porch with Via. She wouldn't share her beer. I'm pissed! And yes, these bastards will stop at nothing to further they're case.
It's always been about profit for a small slice of the Capitalist Pigs - The Big Dick Cheney is top of the heap smothering himself and his ilk in heaps of dirty blood soaked cash.
On the backs of dead GIs and Iraqi Citizens, because of the W, Rove and Co, we must live in fear that the terrorists will visit our soil yet again and with little to no remorse.
Hey, welcome back, windspike. Sorry we didn't have a new government waiting for you. Maybe next time!
Still waiting for the 2006 election where we have a chance to change the balance.
because of the W, Rove and Co, we must live in fear that the terrorists will visit our soil yet again and with little to no remorse.
If the terrorists visit our soil again it will be for one reason only: we have refused to submit to Islam. This might not be a war against Islam. But the terrorists see it as a war for Islam. Lest you forget, they flew planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon less than a year after W. took office - and he ran on a platform of no nation-building. They came despite the fact that we were not in Iraq. The fact that we tolerate the eeeevil Jews is reason enough to come kill us.
No matter who is in office, they will come for us. Me, you, all of us.
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