Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Newsweek Thing

Romablog makes some important observations about the Newsweek "Koran desecration" article here.

UPDATE: Dig Molly's words here - A MUST READ!

Now, I want to add this: This whole thing just positively reeks of Karl Rove. This is so like Rove, who is the acknowledged 21st century master of disinformation-based dirty-trick politics. I know, I have no proof in hand. I say it certainly looks like a typical Rovian maneuver, designed to ignite rage among the right against one of their favorite enemies, the so-called "liberal media" (they claim the mainstream media are liberal, even while they employ them as their ministry of disinformation).

I am sure the right-wing blogs are drenched in condemnation of Newsweek, just as they were following the Dan Rather memo incident, which is also widely suspected of being a Rovian trick. Interestingly, this all quickly follows some journalists' writings about how Time magazine has become a right-wing mouthpiece, extolling the virtues of such venomous right-wing hate-mongers as Ann Coulter, and also saying that at least Newsweek was still balanced. Apparently, such statements carry a heavy price in today's world of lock-down Neocon propaganda.

They're driving us underground. Fine. Fuck the mainstream, right-wing propaganda media. Seek the truth.


Unknown said...

Gasoline on an already existing conflagration makes a bigger one, but didn't start it.

Shea, by the way, I linked to your audio clip of the Galloway roasting the congress and our adminstration. W, Rove and Co are a lot like the Wizard of OZ, they hope no one gets behind the curtain, but when they do, the sight will be terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Practicing to deprive blue states of their resources, Rove and company successfully steal Russian lake!
