Sunday, February 6, 2005

It's Their Party and They'll Cry If They Want To

"It's My Party Too" is a conservative website that says the neocons (who now control the republican party) do not represent the values or interests of those who vote for them. Their chairperson was NJ's first female governor.

Likewise, there are lots of other great examples of republicans who are disillusioned with the direction the republican party has taken (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (a favorite), and this one (another favorite), by the son of Dwight D. Eisenhower!).

"But SheaNC," you ask, "what is your point?" (I get that a lot).

My point is that I believe most people, democrat or republican, are basically moderate, while the republican party is now controlled by extremists. A Jesse Ventura-esque third-party candidate would fracture the republican party, the same way that Nader did to the democrats, or Perot did to both parties, in the recent past.

Of course, the media is in the republican party's pocket, so it appears that the moderate republicans don't exist, since they have little voice outside what George Bush called "the internets." Also, many people have been fooled by propaganda into thinking their moderate values are supported by the extremists, which is quite untrue.

"But SheaNC," you ask again, "why are you picking on the republicans? Doesn't this problem exist in the democratic party also?"

Sadly, yes, but they have moved in a different direction (which is no less a departure from their base than the republicans'). While the republican party has transformed into a vehicle for corporate bureacracy and fundamentalist christian suppression, the democratic party has tried to play catch-up by moving to the right and trying to become the new moderate conservative party. Unfortunately, they have bungled this by kissing the republicans' ass in the most worst way, such as the recent democrats' votes to confirm Rice and Gonzales. Or, as the most disappointing example, conceding the election so quickly that it looked like the whole campaign was a Skull & Bones prank. In any case, the internet and the left-wing press has resembled an angry mob calling for revolution.

Besides, the republicans control all three branches of government, the media, your healthcare, your kids' education, the stuff that goes into your food... it's like living in the Soviet Union: they control practically everything (what they don't control now, they're working on coltrolling soon).

I say, party reform would be good for all of us. The democrats and the republicans would both benefit, not only if their own parties were straightened out, but if their opponents parties were, too. And it the machine can't be fixed, then it is time to find a replacement.


Glen said...

"Of course, the media is in the republican party's pocket." Are you kidding?

SheaNC said...

Nope, I'm not kidding, but before I reply further, I want to apologize to everyone for using the word "media" in the wrong tense - it is a plural word (for medium), not singular, and I hate when people use it wrong, especially me! It's just an easy habit to fall into. Also, I should have qualified my statement by specifying that I refer to the news media. I took license to refer to news media simply as "the media" because it has come to be defined that way over the past twenty-odd years.

I know it is a popular myth that there is nothing but an overwhelmingly "liberal media," but it is just that, a myth. The big news organizations are owned by corporations that are politically conservative. Fox news is perhaps the most extreme example, but there are others throughout the "mainstream" media.

For my purposes, I refer primarily to print, radio, and television. Keeping in mind that there are exceptions to every rule, newspapers in America ordinarily endorse republican candidates, and editorial pages are awash with "conservative" opinion. News/talk radio has been dominated by right-wing broadcasters for (again) at least twenty years. Television is a little different in that it is more likely to whore itself out for profit before politics, but nevertheless most television news dutifully toes the party line, especially with regard to the war.

I can site examples and sources to reinforce my observation, and probably will in an upcoming blog post, because right-wing talk radio, especially, has been dependent on propagating the myth of the "liberal media." I won't fill up this space with sources because I prefer to save it for a regular post, rather than a comment/reply.

Don't misunderstand me, though: I am not saying, nor have I ever said, that liberal media do not exist. I'm just saying that the right-wing mainstay contention that the media are overwhelmingly liberal is completely untrue.

Glen said...

Okay, if that is what you observe, I won't argue. I will say that it is an unusual comment even for a liberal.

SheaNC said...

I'm an unusual guy.

Anonymous said...

Nope. You definitely are not an unusual guy. You're just a run-of-the-mill liberal twit, spewing your message of hatred, and your endeavor to suppress freedom of speech. You see, the recent survey of school kids and their attitudes toward freedom to dissent, are a direct result of the liberal method of shouting down anyone that disagrees with your social agenda. Take a look at the supposed institutes of higher learning. All republican speakers are banned on the mojority of campuses. If any are allowed to speak, a group of hate-filled liberals will try to shout them down, before the first word is uttered. Go back to your worship of Ricky Lake and Jerry Springer, you preacher of hatred. Or whining titty baby. Take your pick.

SheaNC said...

Wow, the only thing that keeps me from thinking you are really Dick Cheney is the fact that you neglected to use the "F" word!

Let's review, shall we?

I'm a "run-of-the-mill liberal twit"? How dare you characterize me as "run-of-the-mill"! I consider myself unique among liberal twits.

"Spewing your message of hatred"? Well, I do hate fascism, hypocrisy, bigotry, the BFEE, PNAC... so, uh, sorry about the spewing part! Maybe I can learn from your brilliant dialog how to deliver a message of tolerance and respect.

"your endeavor to suppress freedom of speech"? As a member of the intellectual elite, I am obliged to tell you that you're using the wrong word. I don't supress free speech, I celebrate it! How? Well, first of all, I allow anonymous posts like yours, which the pro-Bush blogs usually don't. Also, I invite controversy and encourage all to contribute. And I have NEVER deleted anyone's comments! How's that for upholding that most revered of liberal creations Freedom of Speech?

"The recent survey of school kids and their attitudes toward freedom to dissent". Could you send me a link? I missed that one, but if you read my blog or my comments on others, you'll see that the right to dissent is one of my most cherished values. This nation was founded on dissent, and I will embrace dissent until my last breath.

"The liberal method of shouting down anyone that disagrees with your social agenda". Uh, you're describing republicans there, man. Sorry, the truth hurts. Remember the republican campaign speech loyalty oaths? Bush's rule that journalists are only allowed to ask one question? the Patriot Act? All those things came from republicans. You should read this:

"Take a look at the supposed institutes of higher learning". Flunk, much?

"All republican speakers are banned on the mojority of campuses". Admit it: all you know about college, you learned from Rush.

"If any are allowed to speak, a group of hate-filled liberals will try to shout them down, before the first word is uttered". I've seen otherwise. College campuses are crawling with republicans. You should visit one someday.

"Go back to your worship of Ricky Lake and Jerry Springer, you preacher of hatred". I don't worship either of them, although I've always thought Ricky was kind of nice. Anyone who acts in John Waters movies is A-OK in my book. As for Jerry Springer... hey, are you mentioning his name in my blog because you work for him, or because he's you're hero?

"Or whining titty baby. Take your pick." After giving it serious consideration, I choose titty baby. I entered this world as a proponent of titties, and I maintain a healthy respect for titties to this day. Yay titties! What a positive way to end this comment!

P.S.: I am bestowing upon you the First Annual Constantly Amazing, Never Suprising Award for Right-Wing Achievement (special anonymous version). See you in Hollywood!

SheaNC said...

Thanks, Kerry. I know you get 'em too... you even get "anons" like this calling you a liberal! (You know, you can still join our side any time - I'll be your sponsor - the requirements are that you wear a hemp-fiber robe, birkenstocks, and eat tofu from a bowl made out of a recycled lamp).

Anyway, it seems anyone who doesn't toe the line with Bush & Co is a target... so that guy has a lot of blogs to visit.

SheaNC said...