Thursday, January 27, 2005

Woops! Must Be My "Faulty Memory"

Oops! I forgot to add this bit in the previous post abut Bush's press conference. Guess what! He ridicules senior citizens!!

Just lovely. Moral-value Americans: He's your goddamn president.


Watch 'n Wait said...

Oh, no. He ain't my president. Never claimed that individual, never will. He may occupy the office, but he's no president. Same goes for Cheney occupying that office. They're just placeholders...the worst kind. My dad always said, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." In their cases, the fall cannot come too soon.

SheaNC said...

You're right, maybe we could use a different title. I believe they would prefer "Emperor" or "Lord".

SheaNC said...

Wow, I'm honored! I should have shaved and put on a tie! And hey - this happens right when I have been using foul language in my blog... uh-oh! I hope the straight-laced folks out there will for give my !@#$% language! Oh man, and I'm behind in getting more links on the site! And I still need to vacuum! And...

Mike of the North said...

Congrats, Shank! I know I'm not the only one who tries to visit your site daily. And as far as your language you're just telling the truth, he is a Goddamn president, but as 'wait' said he ain't my goddamn president.