Sunday, January 9, 2005

Give 'Em Hell, Harry-O

In light of my last post, "Hi-Ho Kerry-O," wherein I bemoan the current state of the democratic party, I want to remind people of what the democrats once were, and could be again. Check out this speech by President Harry S. Truman.

You see, the republicans gave us the horror of the Great Depression, pandered to the rich, and profiteered from war... sound familiar? And don't forget where a lot of the Bush fortune came from 1, 2.

Moreover, the democrats not only gave us the things which made life bearable following the republicans' economic debacle, but the republicans have somehow managed to convince millions of people that anything good the democrats achieved was actually created by republicans, and anything bad the republicans did was the fault of democrats. Again... sound familiar?

Harry Truman gave the republicans hell in the 1940's (actually, he said that he didn't give them hell, he just told them the truth and they thought it was hell). Now the republicans have given us hell, in the form of perpetual warfare, attacks against our society, lies, deception, corruption, more lies... but we don't have to live in the neocon hell that the republicans would have us live in.

Democratic party... where are you?

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