Sunday, October 1, 2006


Please, please, please...


Anonymous said...

Yes - here is to hoping our governments checks and balances are still in tact.

I marginally supported McCain in years past, and always liked him. This past year however, he has let me down considerably.

SheaNC said...

Yeah, McCain always puts up a good front, but in the end he always demonstrates that he is owned by the republican party and places their success ahead of the welfare of American citizens.

Watch 'n Wait said...

Agreed, Shea. BushCo's attempts to outflank the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must come to grief..and the sooner the better. I do so want to see them all at the Hague for the grief they've caused the nation and the world. As for the Foley situation, hop over to for the latest on that. Damned shame that this country will get instantly inflamed over anything having to do with sex, but ignore the attacks on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, isn't it? But as they say, Whatever works.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Given this administrations six year long contempt for ALL laws, I simply can't see the SCOTUS being much of a factor. They ruled against his "detainee" program too - and that's still ongoing. All it takes is a another quickie bill from the Hill, a signing statement, and he's back in action. While he's off murdering and torturing, we're screaming at SCOTUS yet again. Like BB, I too hope our system of checks and balances are still intact. But: they only work if you're willing to abide by them! We're in uncharted territory here, with a President who freely brags about breaking the law, then says "his law" is better. There is no "rule of law" that's going to stop that - only brute, physical force - the sooner, the better.

And then there's the Democrats who publically stated they wanted to be war criminals too...(: I'm not a shoot 'em up nutbag, but I think some reality has to be faced here. What we're looking at is nothing different than what's in Iraq. No regard for the law, human rights, or any kind of government. The ONLY difference is we're allowed to shoot them, over there.

My soapbox will now be returned to it's normal place under my bed.:)

SheaNC said...

Your soapbox is good n' solid here, TFWY. And you're right that the current plan of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is a helluva foreign policy.

Watch 'n Wait said...

Torques me that the Dems seem to think that impeaching that bastard bunch is not the thing to do. I disagree. If the Dems take the House, they can tie BushCo up a goodly while through the impeachment process. That's the main block him in his mad schemes to run the world...or destroy it. And don't ever think that if it gets bad enough, they can't get shot over here. Wouldn't be the first time...