Monday, September 19, 2005

More Fun with the BFEE

"Bush administration's top federal procurement officer in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), was arrested yesterday based on a three-count criminal complaint filed in federal court, according to a Justice Department statement."

Bummer. I guess the Bush Crime Family doesn't get away with everything, huh?


Jack Mercer said...

What conclusions can we draw from this then, Shea?

That there is always the exception to the rule, or maybe there's not so much crime in the Bush family?


Unknown said...

I suppose it depends on your definitions, but methinks the whole family need be locked up for many a reason. Don't need to flash photos of dead iraqi children on the web location, now do we?

Jack Mercer said...

Ah, WS, I guess if we started indicting presidents for dead civilians we would have to go back as far as FDR and work our way forward...

Realistically that dog never hunts.


Unknown said...


I'm for holding the current administration accountable, not past or dead ones. How about you?

Realistically, on the other hand, we really can only hope to vote the bastards out - about as much weight as the average voter carries as they don't tote well paid lobbists in their shirt pockets like most of corporate america.

SheaNC said...

What conclusions can we draw from this then, Shea?

Only that I could win bets that every appointee these guys come up with is either incompetant or a criminal.

Mike V. said...

yea, I was reading about this today.
when will my dream come true when there are scenes of the entire Bush administration being hauled away in handcuffs??

Jack Mercer said...

WS, I guess what kind of disappoints me is what we vote out is really no different from what we replace it with.

The only thing any of us can do to bring about any positive change is to work at a grass roots level and try to raise leaders with integrity from the bottom. I try to work on this level, but its very difficult and many who are sucked into the political process are corrupted fairly quickly.

Where are the idealists, where are the reluctant leaders, Man? Just don't think there exists such anymore.



Unknown said...


I'm with ya. The system in and of itself presents us with a troubling set of criteria by which folks get advanced. As you start locally, and move up and more globally, the corruptions is too tempting to resist. Moreover, you can't run an effective campaign without many millions of dollars. Pretty much puts anyone with any integrity out of the race, as by definition, if you have a spare million or so, perhaps you got it to the detriment of many others.

Still, we can vote for the lesser of the evils, should there be such a thing. I am still in favore of a global find and replace. Out with the old, in with the new - This is not a republican or democratic stance. This is an anti-incumbant stance. If you were here last year, you need to move out so others who can fix it can come on in.