Monday, December 6, 2004

Aesop Would Agree

My spouse and I lived with relatives for a few months. We have cats, and they have cats. An interesting observation we made, though, was the comparative social order the cats established for themselves.

You see, the relatives we stayed with were real right-wingers, xenophobic dittoheads, and so on. My wife and I, on the other hand, are both progressives. Interestingly, the two cat factions could be described thus:

1. Their cats: paranoid, suspicious, defensive, reactionary, violent, and ruined their environment by pissing on everything. In general, right-wing, er, paw.

2. Our cats: tolerant, respectful of diversity, friendly and outgoing, clean in their habits and gentle in manner. In general, left-paw.

Each family's respective cats were products of their environment. It told me a lot about the world the neocons are forming as we speak.

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