Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reading the paper

When I read the paper, I usually make a beeline for the letters to the editor. Among the constant onslaught of anti-Progressive, right-wing garbage that usually infests the place, I like to find the gems like this:
...Remember when the Bush administration sent $12 billion in cash to Baghdad on huge wooden pallets? Three-quarters of the cash was never accounted for. Remember when Halliburton was given no-bid contracts and ended up billing the U.S. government $5.5 billion for work that should have cost $685,000? Remember how Wall Street bankers raked in billions of federal bailout money with no strings attached? ...President Barack Obama wants to spend money on schools, roads and bridges, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and help disabled veterans, the elderly and the unemployed. And he wants to post all the expenditures on a government Web site. Unscrupulous private contractors and war profiteers had eight years to loot the U.S. Treasury. Now it's time for Congress to begin repairing the damage with the economic stimulus package. For those members of Congress who voted "no," they should feel the full consequences of their actions. Just strip their districts of any federal stimulus funds that will come their way.
Oh, if justice was that easy. Unfortunately, good people suffer when their bad elected officials are punished. We seem to get hit no matter what.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Just like Gov. Bobby Jindal said he won't take the extra $$$ for unemployment. The prick, just who the hell does he think put him in office? You can bet the majority of his votes came from working stiffs, allot of whom are unemployed now.

nunya said...

That really is a nice catch :)

It gives me hope that more than lobbyists get a chance to say what they need to say once in a while.

Sar said...

Right you are Shea, no need to punish the already suffering consituents. I say, let the uneloquent and selfish Jindal foot the bill for his consituents' unemployment benefits and the likes of him in the party of no follow suit. Can you say sore losers!

SheaNC said...

Hey, Sar :) Good to hear from you. Yeah, Jindal is a piece of work. Could it be Palin/Jindal for 2012! LOL!

Mike of the North said...

How about Huckabee/Jindal with Palin as Secretary of State, after all she can see russia from her house!

Ali Dahmash said...

People have short memory!