You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.
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Take the quiz to find out what kind of liberal you are (or would like to be, with a sly wink towards the conservatives...)
And there you go :)
Hi - Mrsjones here. I took the test. Turns out I'm a Peace Patroller hippie. LOL!
Hi Nancy :) Welcome to my "other" identity. My wife was a peace patroller hippie, too!
Your wife was a peace patroller hippie, too? Oh my! You are then quite familiar with how us peace patroller operate! You say "was." Is she no longer with us? I'd love to hear about her. And by the way, ding, dong the witch is dead. The queenlyn witch that is. Finally! We know she'll be back as some other kind of wicked witch, but at least she's gone for now. I've always had a sneaking suspision that queen and reighndeer/tinker are all the same person. They're personalities are just too similiar to not be!
I'm happy to report that my wife is among the living :). She posts comments on the AD as "tam308", and she also has a blog called Magic Molecules. By the way, I also rejoice that the queen of mean has been put in her place... for a while, anyway :)
Your wife is among the living...well that's a relief! Whew! I will have a look at her blog some time today. I suppose there will be many ignorant trollers on the A-D site today after the Obama speech.
I love your idea about hitting the IGNORE mental button. There is nothing worse than being ignored when you are trying to communicate. Good communication involves actual give and take skills, none of which any of them have. All anger. All ignorance. All hate...all the time. I'm all about peace, love, happiness (hee hee) and that drives them up the wall! LOL!
Nancy, it does indeed. In fact, the name of my blog is really a description of how I feel about those people... their hypocrisy and attacks don't surprise me anymore, but I am constantly amazed at some of the things they say! Like, that "sutter714" guy... I kind of end up feeling sorry for that one. Until he attacks again, that is...
Update: The letter, and all the comments, are gone! Wow!
I wonder what happened??? I posted something about this month being the anniversary of when Joseph McCarthy began his witch hunt against those who he thought were communists and suggested that based on some of the comments regarding "commies" and "pinkos" it appeared that some would like McCarthyism to return.
Then I left to go get groceries. When I returned, the site was taken down. I wonder if my comment enflammed those who "constantly amaze, but never shock" us??!!
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