My kitty cat is sick. Throwing up. Lethargic. Not eating or drinking. Hardly even sleeping! He's been to the vet, and we're hopeful. We cannot bear the thought of life without little Gabby the cat. That's a worst-case scenario. We are hoping he'll bounce back.
I am sad.
Update: My wife posted about Gabby on her art blog
here.Hurry and get well, little Gabby.
Oh no, Shea. Having been a long-time friend of my many kitty cats over the years, I know exactly how you feel. It's heart wrenching to see them sick. My thoughts are with you, your wife and Gabby and hopes for a speedy recovery to get back to normal.
Thanks, Nancy. I've added a link over to her post about Gabby that shows some of his kitten pictures. He's our kid, after all... He's got to get better!
What a beautiful kitten he was! Shea, our little animal friends find us and allow us to take care of them as they are our masters - not the other way around. They are also our kids who we love and cherish and can't even imagine how to live without them. I am sending every positive vibe I've got in my mind and spirit and body to you and Gabby. Hopefully, we'll have some reassuring good news in the morning!
That is so sad, Shea.
I hope Gabby will be back to his normal soon.
One of our cats had what we believe was a stroke almost two weeks ago. Was lethargic, sleeping all the time, not eating, and when he got up couldn't walk very good. He seems to have rebounded, but still has some trouble walking at times.
We are wishing Gabby, you and your wife the best.
OH, I'm so sorry. Keep us updated?
No news yet... had a fever yesterday but not today, but vet is watching because he isn't eating. C'mon Gabby... get better!
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