Saturday, July 28, 2007

Declaring War Against Ourselves?

Odds n’ Ends in the War on Terror
If the United States attacks Iran preemptively... the signatories of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [NPT] do have certain obligations... basically Russia and China, as well as France and the United Kingdom, will "provide immediate assistance" to Iran if it "is a victim of an act, or an object of a threat of, aggression in which nuclear weapons are used." Interesting, eh? So if Bush-Cheney bomb Iran, the other NPT members are required under international law TO DEFEND IRAN.
So, if we attack Iran, out allies are obligated to defend Iran against us. Bush-Cheney could end up forcing the rest of the world to declare war against us.

Now, that's what I call a legacy.


The Future Was Yesterday said...

It's also what he (and his Jesus Freak supporters) want - endless war. That "tells" them they're doing "God's work."

Watch 'n Wait said...

And knowing that, Shea, they just go ahead with the plans for it. But not Bush has to have a photo-op at the MN bridge to show how much he "cares". Then it's off to Crawford for that all-important brush clearing vacation. UGH...

The Future Was Yesterday said...

I need your help if you have an extra minute or two.....

azgoddess said...

just amazing what pickles we get into - just trying to defend our honor - NOT!!!! this is so absurd!

Laurie said...

But are we really naive enough to believe that this imperialistic administration doesn't have its hands up the asses of government of every one of these allies?

SheaNC said...

Future: Yup, the "terrible swift sword."

Watch 'n wait: I bet they're grateful for remote-control.

Future: I'll check that out (sorry it took me a while)

Azgoddess: Irony is our middle name. Or is it Danger? No, Irony :)

Laurie: True, I guess that is the Superpower premium.

Worried: Actually, now that you mention it... since China owns us, they can defend us!