Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Presidents Day. Say, About Those Dead Presidents... did they die, anyway?

Here's how... and here's what they said.


Watch 'n Wait said...

Well Shea...That was interesting. Somehow I've not encountered that list before.

Bill said...

Grover Cleveland: "I have tried so hard to do right."

Does anyone think GWB will say anything eloquent on his death bed? Or even now, for that matter?

Here's my prediction for GWB's last words: "Who gave Dick the shotgun?"

azgoddess said...

wow -- this is just a bunch of useless facts that people love eh? smile

i guess the point is -- that we all die -- even matter how much they may think they are gods...

Mike of the North said...

I love the post sheanc.

azgoddess, what part of az are you in? sheanc and I are old azzies ourselves, 'course back then we were called zoners. :)

Me said...

Bill's prediction for Dubya's last words?

Granny said...

It was interesting, especially the ones I hadn't known before.

When did you stop banging your head on the typewriter and start drinking?