Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Thing That Just Won't Die.

Dick Cheney seems to be everywhere lately. I hate that. The former Vice President, to whom I will always refer as "The Snarling Hunchback" because 1) he maintains a visage with all the charm of an ill-tempered dog; and 2) whenever I see him on television he seems unable to lift his head... he simply lets it hang forward and addresses people by turning it sideways and glaring at them like Bela Lugosi's Igor from Son of Frankenstein, and snarling his answers out of the side of his mouth. But all that is neither here nor there. The point is, we can't seem to get rid of him. He is all over the media. They love to combine the hideous and the spectacular, and in him they have a tabloid monster ready-made. It serves their purpose well, and his also.

Sad to say, I blame the Democrats for Cheney's newfound public persona. In 2006 they were elected to end the war and impeach Bush and Cheney. Period. Everything else came second. They had the chance to impeach and they should have done it. It was absolutely the right thing to do... and they blew it. They decided that all the evil that had gone before would go unchecked and unpunished. It didn't matter. Lying. Conspiracy. Mass Murder. Treason. No matter, it's all okay; can't be bothered. Might affect someone's career, you know.

It's like Stockholm Syndrome. Or Battered-Wife Syndrome. The Repukes have been the battering spouse, and the Dems have been their apologetic enablers.

Whatever. We've all studied a little history, haven't we? We didn't expect the world to suddenly become fair just because a bunch of us want it to be that way, did we? I guess not.

...and Dick puts the "mean" in meanwhile...


Ali Dahmash said...

Shouldn't we blame God for keeping Chinney alive until today? haha

Grandpa Eddie said...

Rachel Maddow has repeatedly asked the Evil One to come on her show for an interview. As expected, he continually turns her down. He wouldn't want to be going into unfriendly territory, he might be made out to be the ass he really is.

LeftyLadi said...

Here's a thought. I wonder if Mr. Cheney were waterboarded/tortured if he would then tell the truth. He says "it works." Maybe he should prove it.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Good point Nancy.

SheaNC said...

I think he melts on contact with water, like the witch in Wizard of Oz. Which is all the more reason to waterboard him :)

ZIRGAR said...

Great post! It's all too far gone to contain, isn't it? Ad. We elect people do do what we think is the right thing and they just cave under. Sad.

nunya said...

" We didn't expect the world to suddenly become fair just because a bunch of us want it to be that way, did we? I guess not."Oh, what a good heart you have Shea, :)

Mike of the North said...

My, my, we aren't becoming bitter are we?

Personal empowerment is the real path to change. We can't expect that the people in power are going to do the right thing no matter what "party" they belong to.

In fact the very word party pretty much describes what is going on at our expense.

SheaNC said...

Thanks, Nunya :) I'm also handsome, witty and charming, according to some people. And modest.

SheaNC said...

Zirgar, thanks! And, thanks for dropping by :)