Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Those Darn Neocons...

Okay, so you want to know what the Neocons are up to? What they're after? Well, if you go here you can see that their goal is nothing short of world domination.

What, don't believe me? Think I'm another conspiracy-theory crackpot? Dig some of their phrases: "American leadership is good both for America and for the world... such leadership requires military strength," which is another way of saying, "America should rule the entire world, and we'll bomb it back to the stone age if we have to." It is the justification for their ongoing attempt to overthrow the middle east, seize power and resources, and claim it for their own. The only thing "terrorism" has to do with America's war in Iraq is the fact that America is both encouraging terrorism and using it for it's own ends. That's right, the American government is using terrorism to achieve its goals. Make you proud?

Also, they use the extremely disturbing phrase "advocacy journalism," which is their new term for PROPAGANDA. Does anyone really think Fox "News" was just a lucky coincidence for them? No, it is their carefully crafted outlet of disinformation and propaganda designed to control the citizens whom they use alternately as wage-slaves or cannon fodder.

This is just the tip of the iceberg... the depth of their depravity and crimes against humanity will be revealed. Stay tuned.

P.S. Progressives have a satire version of the above site, called After you check out the one above, then dig this one. Especially, check out their downloads page, it has some amazing stuff. Here's a sample: What Is PNAC.

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